Landlord Tenant Latham Solicitors Lawyers Melton Mowbray Loughborough Leicestershire
When you become a landlord or a tenant you will be entering into contractual agreements which give you both rights and responsibilities.
At Latham & Co we are able to guide you through what can appear to be a legislative jungle.
Before you negotiate the terms of your lease or tenancy agreement contact us.
We can help you whether you are a commercial or a residential Landlord, Tenant or want to become one!
At Latham & Co we can advise you with regard to:
- Lease negotiation and renewal
- Schedules of dilapidations
- Leasehold enfranchisements
- Assignments and Sub-Letting
- Matters arising from the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954
- Landlords’ consents
- Rent reviews
- Rent arrears and the recovery thereof
- Forfeiture
- Possession or Eviction
We can furthermore provide you with the representation you need to support you and maximise any potential outcome.
To find out more please call our Loughborough office on 01509 238822 or our Melton Mowbray office on 01664 563012 or make an enquiry here.